Monday, December 16, 2013


     Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming.
            The world now faces one of the most complex and important issues it has ever had to deal with: climate change.  Though this was once an issue that would draw much argument and strife about its creditability, most of the world’s nations can no longer deny that it is a real issue.  The impact that humans have had on the world has literally changed the climate.  Higher temperatures are reported yearly, stronger storms are forming, and some of the planet’s critical nonrenewable resources are being depleted.  For all of these changes that, in the end, affect everyone, the nations of the world have not all gone about this issue in the same way.  Currently, the threat of global climate change does not threaten some to the same extent of others.  The shortsightedness of those that are not yet drastically effected is one of the most serious issues that the world deals with now and fundamental changes must be made to advert a global crisis that everyone may face if no actions are taken.
            More people exploit more natural resources, cut more trees, use more fossil fuels, produce more wastes, build more roads, dams and cities, pollute more soil, water and air, and contribute more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere ' which may lead to the ozone depletion and global warming, ultimately damaging the entire environment and aggravating the climatic change.
            Thus, man is capable of influencing global climate deliberately or inadvertently through his various actions and activities.


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