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Pollution has different kinds and
causes. Whether we like it or not, pollution of different kinds are affecting
our lives and lives of the future generations. Saving our environment should be
a global concern. We have chosen an unwise lifestyle that has resulted in
ponderous pollution of the earth’s ecosystem- soil, lakes, rivers, ocean, and
atmosphere have been poisoned. Our apathy to our future contrasts with god’s
great concern for the earth, which after all, is His creation and property.
We are well cognizant of our
unclean and unsanitary environment. We undeniably see it in uncollected
garbage, in litter carelessly left or intentionally thrown on the streets and
elsewhere. We smell it in the suffocating fumes and acrid smog from heavy
traffic and factories that plague some cities. Many feel the necessities of
bathing themselves more than twice a day. More and more people are afflicted
with colds, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. Fresh air seems to be the
most sought- after commodity in the places.
We should control and combat
pollution before Mother Earth gives up and it’s completely ruined. Our lives
depend on it. So let’s start to act now. Let’s use the 3R’s to maintain the
cleanliness of our environment. We should also plant trees to prevent floods
and for the better future of the next generations.